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Obituary Alan Blakeman

 It is with sadness that I have to report the passing of my very good friend, Alan Blakeman following a long illness. 

Alan and I first met at the city of Birmingham CBS, almost 50 years ago, where he later became Chairman.  A post he held for many years.  He was also Chairman of Birmingham BS for at least 20 years.

Alan spent all his working life as a train driver for GWR.  He was a true budgie man and a dedicated Club man.

On behalf of Birmingham BS and the MBA members, our condolences go to his wife, June, and sons Ian, David and Garry and family

Rest in Peace, mate

Colin Lamb


Midland Budgerigar Association Report

Report by Trevor Terheege - April 2024

The Midland Budgerigar Association started the New Year with an Introduction to Judging which was held in Stoke Golding village hall in March. There were three presentations:- Judging Budgerigars, Show Procedure & Judges Paperwork and details on the Judges Training Scheme. In addition we included bird sales. The feed back from this event was very positive so we will be holding other events this year.

In April the MBA held a Young Stock Show followed by the AGM. The show was well supported with some very good birds being benched. Best Champion Young Stock and Best in Show award went to Colin Lamb. Colin also received the award for Best Nest Feather. Best Intermediate Young Stock was awarded to J & D Faram who also won the Nest Feather award. The Best Novice Young Stock was awarded to Chris Bolt.

The Annual General Meeting followed the show where our President Keith Leedham handed over the Chain of Office to John Lees our new President. Keith has had a busy year representing the Area Society at many events. John Moore has been awarded President Elect whilst Pam Leedham  has been elected to Vice President for all the work that she has done promoting the Society on social media.

Keith Leedham Handing Over To John Lees

Best In Show - Colin Lamb

Best Intermediate - J & D Faram

Best Novice - Chris Bolt

Dates For Your Diary

MBA Open show  7th September 2024,  Solihull Birmingham

MBA Gold S & RV Open Show  29th September 2024, Stoke Golding Village Hall 

MBA Sales day with 3 Speaker's  3rd November 2024, Stoke Golding Village Hall 


Midland Budgerigar Association
Annual Sales Day

Report by Trevor Terheege

The MBA held its first Sales Day show on the 5th November at Stoke Golding Village Hall.

The aim of the day was that there would be a show with four classes, Any Age cock, Any Age Hen, Young Bird cock and Young Bird Hen. All birds benched were for sale. Refreshments were also for sale.

The day proved to be a great success with 40 people attending with 70 birds for sale. Apart from the show/sales we also had two speakers, Keith Leedham the MBA President and Trevor Terheege. Keith gave a power point presentation on his approach to breeding, while Trevor gave a presentation, ‘Where are we going with the Birds’ discussing how the birds have changed over the years and how far can we take them.

Due to popular demand and the success of the day, it is planned that we repeat this event next year. In addition it has been suggested that we hold a day at the same venue early next year based on the Exhibiting and Judging of birds with a number of presentations.


Midland Budgerigar Association Report
November 2023
Report by Trevor Terheege

On 9th September 2023 the MBA held its Annual Open Show. Unfortunately the number of birds benched were slightly down on previous years. However, we still had a successful show. Our President Keith Leedham kindly donated 12 x 20kg bags of seed. These were awarded for Best in Show, Best Any Age & Young Bird in each section and for most cages benched.

The judges on the day were Alan & Gina Adams, Keith Leedham accompanied by Subsidiary Panel Judge Stuart Lansdown, and Mick Widdowson. Best in Show & Best Champion Any Age was awarded to a Normal Light Green cock from The Terheege Partnership who were also awarded Best Opposite Sex Young Bird in Show with a Normal Cinnamon Grey Green hen. Best Young Bird in Show and Best Novice Young Bird was awarded to Garry Simpson. Best Novice Any Age went to Glenn Hawthorn.

Best Intermediate Any Age was awarded to a Spangle Sky benched by the Swain & Ford Partnership. Best Intermediate Young Bird was a Normal Grey benched by Mick Woodfield.

Best Junior Any Age & Best Junior Young Bird was awarded to Callahan Terheege, whose Spangle Sky blue also won the young bird Challenge Certificate.

MBA President Keith Leedham

Best In Show - The Terheege Partnership

Best Intermediate Any Age - Swain & Ford

Best Intermediate Young Bird - Mick Woodfield

Best Young Bird in Show and Best Novice YB - Garry Simpson

Best Novice Any Age - Glenn Hawthorn

Best Junior Young Bird - Callahan Terheege

The Judges

Midland Budgerigar Association
May 2023

Report by Trevor Terheege

On the 16th April 2023 the MBA held a Nest Feather & Young Stock Show followed by the Annual General Meeting. The judges on the day were Sue Clarke who judged the Nest Feather and Tim Gee who judged the Young Stock.

Mick Woodfield took the honours on the day winning Best Young Stock in Show and Best Intermediate with a Normal Grey. Best Champion Young Stock was awarded to A & D Woan, while Chris Bolt was awarded with the Best Novice Young Stock.

The MBA President Rachel Terheege opened the AGM and then handed over to the Chairman David Woan to conduct the meeting. During the meeting Bruce Greenway agreed to continue as Secretary, Rachel Terheege remains as Treasurer and also takes over as Subscriptions Secretary from Colin Lamb who has held the post for many years. Colin was thanked for the years of service he gave in that role.

Also retiring was Sue and Rod Clarke. Rod has given many years of service to the MBA in the role as Show Secretary and has now handed over to Alan Pearson. Sue Clarke organised the catering at our events and will be greatly missed. In order to honour their service throughout the years, both Sue and Rod were made Honorary Life Members.

Rachel Terheege the outgoing President handed over the Chain of Office to our new President Keith Leedham who stated that he hopes to get involved with adding some new events to the calendar. John Lees was made President Elect.

President Rachel Terheege handing over to Keith Leedham President Keith Leedham presenting Rachel Terheege with the Past President Medal Sue & Rod Clarke receiving Honorary Life Membership Award

Midland Budgerigar Association Report
Report by Trevor Terheege

The MBA held its 2022 Nest Feather and Young Stock Show Sunday 24th April 2022.

The attendance at the show was disappointing with only 37 birds benched. The judge for the day was Tom Leadham.

The Best Young Stock in Show and Best Novice Award was won by Alan Pearson with a Normal Cinnamon Grey hen. Best Champion Young Stock was awarded to Cy Thorne with a Lutino cock. Best Nest Feather and Best Champion Nest Feather was a Normal Cinnamon Dark Green benched by A & D Woan. Best Intermediate Nest Feather was awarded to Mick Woodfield with a Normal Grey Green Dominant Pied while the Best Novice Nest Feather award went to Alan Pearson with a Cinnamon Violet.

Best Young Stock in Show & Best Novice Young Stock Alan Pearson

Best Champion Young Stock Cy Thorne

Best Nest Feather in Show & Best Champion Nest Feather A & D Woan 

Future Events 2022

Saturday, 30th July 2022 - Specialist & Rare Variety Open Gold Show
Saturday, 10th September 2022 -  Area Championship Show

Midland Budgerigar Association - November 2021
Report by Trevor Terheege

The MBA held its 2022 Nest Feather Show on Sunday 27th March followed by the AGM.

The attendance at the show was disappointing with only 30 birds entered from 6 exhibitors. Despite the poor attendance there were some very nice birds benched.

The Best in Show Award and Best Novice Award was won by Alan Pearson with a very good Normal Cinnamon Grey Green. Best Champion award went to A & D Woan who exhibited a very nice Normal Cinnamon Light Green. The Best Intermediate award went to Mick Woodfield with a Normal Grey Green Dominant Pied.

Alan Pearson Best in Show & Best Novice

Best Champion A & D Woan

Best Intermediate Mick Woodfield

Following the Nest Feather Show the MBA held its first Annual General Meeting since 2019. The following members were elected:-

Chairman David Woan, Vice Chairman & Publicity Trevor Terheege, Secretary Bruce Greenway, Treasurer Rachel Terheege, Show Secretary Rod Clarke. Subscriptions Secretary Colin Lamb.

The outgoing President Bruce Greenway presented the Chain of Office to the new President Rachel Terheege.

Keith Leedham was confirmed as the President Elect with John Lees as Vice President.

Future Events 2022

Sunday 24th April Nest Feather & Young Stock Show

Sunday 31st July Specialist & Rare Variety Open Gold Show

Saturday 10th September Area Championship Show

Midland Budgerigar Association - November 2021
Report by Trevor Terheege

Due to the COVID outbreak very little has been happening within the Association. As the situation eased in Spring 2021 the committee had mixed views about opening things up. Some felt that we should not do anything in 2021 whilst others were keen to have some shows. Eventually it was decided that we would not hold our Open Show but would hold our Specialist & Rare Variety Show and the 2020 Young Bird Show on the same weekend.

The 2020 Young Bird Show was held on Saturday, 23rd October 2021 with Keith Leedham as the main panel judge and with Steve Rich as a subsidiary judge. We were one of only two Area Societies that took the option to run this show which was subsidised by the BS. It was a good to meet up with fellow exhibitors after such a long break and the show was well supported with well over 100 birds entered resulting in 97 birds being benched.

A & D Woan took the honours for Best Young Bird and Best Young Bird Opposite Sex. Best Intermediate Young Bird went to Mick Woodfield and Best Novice Young Bird was won by Oliver & Simon Williams.

The Specialist & Rare Variety Gold show which was held on the Sunday also received better support than we expected with 175 birds being benched. The judges on the day were Janice & Ghalib Al-Nasser with Steve Rich (subsidiary judge)

The standard of the birds benched was very good with nine Champion exhibitors, one Intermediate and two Novices.

Keith Leedham with Steve Rich Steve Rich with Janice & Ghalib Al-Nasser     

The Specialist & Rare Variety Show

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